Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Daily December: Day Five

Two sick kids tonight. Jackson stayed home from school today and it looks like Jordan might stay home tomorrow. 24 hour vomiting bug. Yuck. Not very Christmasy but that was my day. I hope I don't get it next.

Here's a more Christmasy story. Jensen came home from school the other day with a candy cane. She thought it was cute that it looked like a "J" when you turned it upside down. I thought it was cute that she called it a Candy Can instead of Cane.


Heather said...

aww poor sickies... give them some love for me.

I'm having some j's withdrawals, just for the record. it's been entirely too long since i've seen those cutie patooties, and jensen needs to come over for a play date very soon.

Kaity Mackenzie said...

Tell the kids I'm sorry they are sick! Jensen is too cute! Send my love!

Serene said...

Had that bug! It's not so nice...hope everyone feels better soon!