Jordan got a laptop from Santa. I don't suppose we'll see much of her anymore.
Santa brought THE FAMILY an iPad...not Jackson...THE FAMILY.
And now Jensen has the iPad and Jackson can't bother to look up for the picture because he's busy playing on another gadget he got...a PSP.
Then there was this little bright spot of non electronic gadgetry.
And this one.
And then there was the clean up.
Thank you to everyone that shopped for, wrapped, and shipped gifts to Jim and I and the 3 Js. Everything was perfect and very much appreciated. Especially the $15 I won on one of the scratch off lottery tickets Jean sent! Were there any other big winners at the Fuja family get-together? Kaity, did you take pictures? We'd love to see them if you did.
A special thanks to my dad and Dyann for traveling here to spend Christmas with us. I'm kicking myself, but I didn't take even one picture while they were here. :-(
Merry Christams to all and to all a good night.
Hey! I did take some pictures... I'll send an email out later today or tomorrow. Also, I got those SAME BOOTS! Looks like Jordan and I are twins! :-)
Actually, I'm the lucky one that got the boots!
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